First time ever watch “Life Comes Full Circle” documentary on YOUTUBE!!!

“Quick lil history lesson for all you up and coming barbers out there across the world who think it’s hip and cool, and are lucky enough to be tattooed with a good job; Eric Webb and his

mentor Jake were the first two dudes out of Southern California in the early 90’s to introduce the ‘look and style’ of today’s “tattooed barber” movement across the world! He might just be vimeo ccbs posterthe reason you became a barber without you even knowing it!”
Tim co-owner of Syndicate Barber Shop in Long Beach, CA

The documentary focuses on the reluctant barber icon who is not globe trotting or looking for international acclaim even though he is one of the men who set barbering on this global trajectory but the legacy that Eric Webb has created is undeniable. We have an EXCLUSIVE interview with barber icon Eric Webb as he discusses Jake Bricks, Syndicate Barber Shop and the current state of barbering.

Eric and Phil Hernandez have created Circle City Barbers in Orange, California that is only a few steps away from the founder of the traditional tattooed barbering movement, Jake Bricks, original shop. Although, Eric does not seek fame or prestige and his humility in the profession of barbering is a rarity.

We also included interviews with Wolfman barber, Local Barber Hirakawa from Japan and Barber Harley from South Korea! Watch them discuss the influence of American Barbering on their culture and the consequences of being tattooed barbers in their countries. This is a super rare interview that you don’t want to miss and wont find anywhere else.


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Episode 043 musician “Jackie Mendez” Live Performance vodcast


lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #043 features the soulful powerhouse known as Jackie Mendez and was streamed live on Instagram and doesn’t start like all the rest of my podcasts but you will not be disappointed with her performance! It was an all acoustic set and she was backed by Wally co-owner of Angel City Records and Jeffrey. What a great performance by an amazing musician who also write many of her songs! What a true rare original and I was blessed to have them on my podcast.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 4/04/19
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: musician Jackie Mendez
Duration: 76 minutes

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Episode 043 musician “Jackie Mendez” Live Performance podcast

lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #043 features the soulful powerhouse known as Jackie Mendez and was streamed live on Instagram and doesn’t start like all the rest of my podcasts but you will not be disappointed with her performance! It was an all acoustic set and she was backed by Wally co-owner of Angel City Records and Jeffrey. What a great performance by an amazing musician who also write many of her songs! What a true rare original and I was blessed to have them on my podcast.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 4/04/19
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: musician Jackie Mendez
Duration: 76 minutes

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Episode 042 guest “Bravos Barber Shop & Roland The Barber” podcast


lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #042 is my return to podcasting after a 2 month long hiatus and it feels great to be back with two amazing guests. Bravos Barber Shop is from Monterey, Mexico and is situated in the the oldest part of town owner Damien talks about the trends and unique setting he finds himself in as he visits California for the second time attempting to learn and grow in his profession. Roland is a barber from Santa Ana, CA and can be found traveling around the world with Layrites Band Of Barbers as they teach workshops and further the profession.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 3/04/19
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Bravos Barber Shop & Roland the Barber
Duration: 59 minutes

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2019 Gentlemen's Avenue

Episode 042 guest “Bravos Barber Shop & Roland The Barber” vodcast


lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #042 is my return to podcasting after a 2 month long hiatus and it feels great to be back with two amazing guests. Bravos Barber Shop is from Monterey, Mexico and is situated in the the oldest part of town owner Damien talks about the trends and unique setting he finds himself in as he visits California for the second time attempting to learn and grow in his profession. Roland is a barber from Santa Ana, CA and can be found traveling around the world with Layrites Band Of Barbers as they teach workshops and further the profession.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 3/04/19
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Bravos Barber Shop & Roland the Barber
Duration: 59 minutes

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Watch “Life Comes Full Circle” documentary today!

“Quick lil history lesson for all you up and coming barbers out there across the world who think it’s hip and cool, and are lucky enough to be tattooed with a good job; Eric Webb and his mentor Jake were the first two dudes out of Southern California in the early 90’s to introduce the ‘look and style’ of today’s “tattooed barber” movement across the world! He might just be vimeo ccbs posterthe reason you became a barber without you even knowing it!”
Tim co-owner of Syndicate Barber Shop in Long Beach, CA

The documentary focuses on the reluctant barber icon who is not globe trotting or looking for international acclaim even though he is one of the men who set barbering on this global trajectory but the legacy that Eric Webb has created is undeniable. We have an EXCLUSIVE interview with barber icon Eric Webb as he discusses Jake Bricks, Syndicate Barber Shop and the current state of barbering.

Eric and Phil Hernandez have created Circle City Barbers in Orange, California that is only a few steps away from the founder of the traditional tattooed barbering movement, Jake Bricks, original shop. Although, Eric does not seek fame or prestige and his humility in the profession of barbering is a rarity.

We also included interviews with Wolfman barber, Local Barber Hirakawa from Japan and Barber Harley from South Korea! Watch them discuss the influence of American Barbering on their culture and the consequences of being tattooed barbers in their countries. This is a super rare interview that you don’t want to miss and wont find anywhere else.

Click Here to Watch the FULL DOCUMENTARY

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Episode 041 guest “pt.2 tattooer/musician Shane Enholm” podcast

lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #041 is our very first part 2 with the outspoken and talented tattooer and musician Shane Enholm! The former drug addict, bank robber tells his stories of life in prison, depression and suicide. The punk rock attitude is something that is always on the surface and he speaks many truths that others would never dare utter. I hope this episode uplifts your soul and lets you know that you are not alone, please seek professional help if you are struggling.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 12/03/18
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Shane Enholm
Duration: 124 minutes

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2018 Gentlemen's Avenue

Episode 041 guest “pt.2 tattooer/musician Shane Enholm” vodcast


lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #041 is our very first part 2 with the outspoken and talented tattooer and musician Shane Enholm! The former drug addict, bank robber tells his stories of life in prison, depression and suicide. The punk rock attitude is something that is always on the surface and he speaks many truths that others would never dare utter. I hope this episode uplifts your soul and lets you know that you are not alone, please seek professional help if you are struggling.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Release Date: 12/03/18
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Shane Enholm
Duration: 124 minutes

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Episode 040 guest “musician Diablo Dimes” vodcast


lodgecast_logo BWEpisode #040 features an original singer songwriter, the talented Diablo Dimes! His music is a blend of blues, jazz, ragtime, rockabilly, punk, blue grass and the list goes on and on. We not only discuss the recent trend of vintage and retro lifestyles but also sobriety and family life. I have much respect for the man and wish him and the family nothing but the best.

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Release Date: 11/28/18
Location: Whittier, CA
Guest: Diablo Dimes
Duration: 75 minutes

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