In elementary school I was taught to “Stop! Drop! Roll!” in the event that I was on fire. Those easy commands were designed to put the fire out and in the case of Logan Bros. Pomade you may need to stop, drop and roll because they are on fire with their newly launched pomade.
Nowadays pomades are hitting the market almost every week. There is very little that separates each product because most use the white plastic double-wall jars with a colorful cliche filled label. The Logan Bros. own and operate a barber shop in Orange County, CA and have really thought outside the box with their new water-based pomade.
First things first, this is a nickel plated steel jar! I am still blown away by the shine and classic styling. Not only does the jar contain great pomade but you can also reuse it or put it on the shelf. Either way it is durable metal that will age with grace. Sure they could have taken the easy way and used the plastic white container with a sticker on it but they went the extra mile and did something I have not seen before in the industry. The label has an old paper appearance with excellent fonts that compliment the classic jar.
Another forward thinking idea is the 3 oz size. It’s not less is more because the size of the jar is FAA carry on approved. That’s right you don’t need to scoop out your beloved 4+ oz pomade and put into a smaller container to take it on a plane because Logan Bros. has that covered.
The pomade is a translucent white, as opposed to solid white, with a citrus clean scent that is pleasant and not offensive. The real greatness of this pomade is that is designed for your “hair health” by using Bladderwack extract that increases blood flow to the hair follicles, Chamomile extract, Grapefruit extract & Carrot extract that promote hair and scalp health. The hold is medium-heavy and can be re-combed. Don’t expect a helmet head with this pomade if you don’t want your hair to ever move use Aquanet!
All in all, I am extremely impressed with the Logan Bros. Pomade it’s a homerun! Everything from the nickel plated container, vintage inspired label and a pomade that is looking to the future. Make sure to pickup a can or dozen for your shop.
Mr. M
Psalm 22:26