The great Peruvian born painter Alberto Vargas created images for Esquire magazine that inspired men during World War II. The son of a prominent photographer he was sent to Europe to study photography but instead fell in love with art. His life took a turn that no one ever imagined and when he arrived to the United States he was not the photographer his parents planned. Vargas became an artist that would change the way we look at women because he mastered the pin-up and created a timeless jewel. Sometimes detours in life can give birth to destiny.
A young lady from conservative Orange County, California traveled to New York City in March 2003 and fell in love with the sites and sounds of the big city. The experience was so great that in October 2003 she decided to uproot from Orange County and move to New York City. LIttle did she know but that decision would change her life. She quickly found a job and began to experience the sites and sounds of Manhattan, cocktails at South Street Seaport and the Lower East Side and the amazing Coney Island. It was a vibrant place full of culture and art.
One discovery in particular would give birth to the burlesque dancer, pin-up model and actress known as Ruby Champagne. According to Ruby, “I discovered the New York School of Burlesque, where I started learning the Art of Burlesque and made a couple new friends who shared the common interest and love of Burly-Q.” Success did not come overnight because Ruby started as a back up dancer and modeling burlesque costumes. It is difficult to keep someone so talented and beautiful in the background and after a lot of hard work she eventually made her burlesque debut in New York. By October 2006 tragedy struck her life and there were a few deaths in the family and she decided it was time to come back home.
The young lady that left California to explore the vibrant and culturally thriving city came back as Ruby Champagne. The dream of performing did not remain in New York and Ruby says, “thanks to the world wide web I was able to find connections to continue pursuing my goal of performing in Los Angeles when I moved back to California.” The opportunities were not limited to the Art of Burlesque but thanks to many friends and networking she was able to begin modeling as a pin-up. One great moment for Ruby was being crowned Miss Viva Las Vegas in 2010. Not only has Ruby modeled but she also ventured into acting. Ruby has appeared in New York City, Texas, New Mexico and throughout California.
A Ruby is among the four precious stones (Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond) and I believe the talent, skills and natural ability is what makes her valuable. The future for Ruby Champagne is bright and the possibilities are endless. She has a smile that can melt anyone and a radiant personality that is lacking in many entertainers today. I have no doubt that she will appear internationally and if I was part of the directing and production teams of Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire I would quickly secure her because I know she could stand her ground with Donald Draper or Nucky Thompson. That is my preference but this talented gemstone can succeed in any opportunity she is given.
Alberto Vargas took a detour from photography in Europe and embraced art that gave birth to pin-ups. It was an unexpected detour in Ruby’s life, while in New York, that gave birth to the great entertainer known as Ruby Champagne the burlesque dancer, pin-up model and actress. The young lady is courageous and found her art and is on the path to fulfilling her destiny.
Gentlemen of tradition and distinction have long embraced and cherished the lovely ladies of burlesque and pin-up. The art of Mr. Vargas inspired men in WWII to paint them on the nose of their planes and give them names like Georgia Peach and Sentimental Journey. I hope that modern Gentlemen continue to appreciate and be inspired by their beauty and talent because I do not doubt that Mr. Vargas would have painted this Ruby.
photos courtesy of: Girlie Show Photo, Bella Bombshells, Angela Morales Photography
Ruby Champagne on Facebook:
Mr. M