We are excited to launch a new campaign to raise awareness about the plague of domestic violence. Our goal is to educate men and women about the dangers of these acts. The statistics are alarming. For instance, every minute 20 people are the victims of domestic violence, a woman is beaten every 9 seconds in the U.S., 1 in 7 men will be victims of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes.
Men and women can both be the victims of domestic violence.
The name of our domestic violence awareness campaign is Esperanza Vive and means Hope Lives in Spanish. The hope is based in two parts; Hope that domestic violence will end and Hope for justice for the afflicted.
Our campaign will take place from 6/4/15-7/4/15 with several articles appearing on our website. We do have FREE promo materials (click image for details) that are first come, first serve basis while supplies last.
IF we send you the promo materials please post pictures of the items on social media during 6/4/15-7/4/15 and hashstag accordingly (IG/Twitter: @Gentlemens_Ave #EsperanzaVive15 #StopDomesticViolence, Facebook: @Gentlemens.Avenue #EsperanzaVive15 #StopDomesticViolence).
By posting on social media you are taking a stand and helping us spread the word!
I am indebted to Miss Lisa Del Toro for the amazing artwork and constant support! Our sponsors made all the FREE promo materials possible, THANK YOU: Jimmy Allen from Shiner Gold Pomade, Donnie Hawley from Layrite & Hawleywood’s Barber Shop, Benjamin from Anchors Hair Co, and screen printer Jorge Carranza!
Huge thank you to the individuals in the photographs; Reb and Jenny Kennedy from Wild Records the amazing photo by Daniel Funaki, Danny and Karime from Gentlemen’s Parlor Barber Shop, Toshiyuki and Satomi from Mid-Century Barber Shop, Elias and Nicholas Kotsios.
To receive FREE promo materials(while supplies last) please email
[email protected]
The following:
1. Name
2. Individual or business (if business tell us shop name or business name)
3. City, State or Country (if not USA)
Click image below to donate $ to a reputable domestic violence organization